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Welcome to Aotearoa Liberation League



MILKED is co-produced by Chris Huriwai, co-founder of Aotearoa Liberation League. We're currently keeping busy promoting and planning for the public release of this film that will expose the white lies of the dairy industry in Aotearoa. Follow MILKED on facebook and instagram for updates. Watch the trailer below!



Image by Amjith S

Demand Action Against Animal Experimentation


"Asks for legislation that provides for scientific institutions to transition from animal-based methods to non-animal-based methods for research, testing and teaching purposes"

Image by Markus Spiske

Incentivise NZ Farmers to Transition for Longevity

NZ Vegan Society

"Asks for government direction, funding and support to encourage farmers to future proof and diversify their farming to include crop growing and/or rewilding their land for carbon sequestration."

Happy Farmer

Cut Climate Pollution from Big Dairy


"Phase out the use of synthetic nitrogen fertiliser, imported feed, support farmers to transition and cut dairy cow numbers by half."

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