What We Can Do
commit to nonviolence
Collectively recognising that the values of nonviolence extend beyond human beings is critical for all life on this planet.
This means learning to empathise with other animals and to recognise when violent acts are inflicted on them. We know that other animals are capable of experiencing pain and suffering, and like us, have the desire to live unrestricted and happy lives. Humans are naturally compassionate towards animals, but we create categories for some animals that make their lives disposable. We push those animals to the back of our minds and avoid thinking about them.
When we open ourselves to the lived realities of all animals, we find that nonhuman animals face the most extreme forms of violence and domination imaginable. We discover that they are an oppressed group, suffering from systematic and industrial violence under a settler-colonial, capitalist state.
This is not an easy task and it exposes us to a lot of misery, but this knowledge also empowers us, grounding us in strong values and expanding our compassion and empathy. Our capacity for love grows, as does our sense of connection and kinship with all life forms. When we live according to our values, we are making empowered decisions that show respect to our inner ability to know what's right and wrong. This is a powerful foundation for a revolutionary earth liberation movement.
get political
Stay engaged with politics, at national and local levels. Enrol with your respective party as a volunteer, attend local council meetings, make your views heard in the political spectrum.
Write or call your local representatives, policy makers, councillors and politicians to let them know you want to see decisions that include the non-human animals of Aotearoa.
Engage with the political content on social media to amplify messages you're aligned with. And for all of the above, co-ordinate with your friends/groups - find creative ways to capture their attention!
For a brief look into the political situation for animals, Animal Agenda Aotearoa outlines the stance of the major political parties on some (mostly welfarist) matters relating to animals.
get active
It's important to keep track of and support nationwide campaigns; and when numbers are needed - make yourself available if you can.
However, it's also important to stay aware of the local grassroots groups near you and support their work, attend protests, network with others and help empower your local activist community.
Check out our Aotearoa Groups page for links.
Or do your own thing! Whether it's studying, leafleting, writing, drawing, social media, postering, making films, running marathons, food stalls or simply opening up these conversations within your circle of influence, any effort in raising awareness helps. Ahakoa he iti, he pounamu.
Important: be patient and critical of your efforts, activism wasn't designed to be 'fun'.
boycott animal exploitation
Boycotting, as far as possible, all products, services, or activities which rely on the use of animals. This includes any food made with the commodified body parts and reproductive fruits of animals, products and medicines that are tested on animals, and all forms of "entertainment" which exploit animals.
This can be done at a personal or organisational level, depending on the avenues available to you. Check out these vegan Starter Guides from the Vegan Society website to start your journey towards a more ethical life.
Boycotting creates economic pressure on these industries and signals the changing social attitudes, both economically and politically.
Furthermore, support ethical, non-animal based food and entertainment to normalise a lifestyle free of cruelty.